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How Chinese big coal transporter unload their railway coal wagons?


Latest company news about How Chinese big coal transporter unload their railway coal wagons?

Railway has always been the first option of coal transportation in China.


The big demand of coals has seen Chinese economic development and also pushes the innovation of our railway equipment.The wagons capacity improves from 60 tons, 70 tons to 80 tons and the speed from 80km/h to 120km/h.


Traditionally, the coal wagons were discharged by sided hatches by manual, which was slow, danger and cost labor.Nowadays, we have wagons dumper machine. It could realize one time overturn all the goods in the wagons. By different group of the dumpers, it could overturn and discharge 8 or more carriages one time. One operation is completed within 20 seconds.


To adapt to the dumpers unloading, the railway wagons will be installed by rotatable couplers. This saves lots of operation, time and humman labor.



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